Friday, January 1, 2010

Tears of New Year...

Today, I shed my first tears of the year...I remember a guy who works as a janitor...I saw myself in him.

For a reason I cannot explain, when I saw him, I felt that my heart was breaking...that I was him, doing his job, to earn a little money, a fare barely enough to make ends meet so I cried.

It may be hard to understand why, unless you personally know me. I guess being one of them (I will always see myself that way), it's hard not to feel for them as well...

CHEERS to the people who make our lives easier.

People have equal opportunity to walk on the same we walk makes all the difference.

Twenty Oh Nine 2 Twenty Ten!

Another New Year...another shot at a thousand chances too many, another challenge...another adventure.

2009 wasn't heaven but it wasn't hell was somewhere in between with enough blend of happiness and a little pinch of struggles to keep me grounded.

I have a wonderful job which I am deeply thankful for...yes, even if stress is its synonym.

I am able to send my twin brothers to school...bit by bit, though I must admit that sometimes, it makes me sweat even in the coldest temperature.

I have a halfling who tolerates my crazy whims and childishness, I was never a baby, never a kid after all.

I thank all the people who stood and still standing beside me...

I thank God for every little things he bestowed upon us...tears mean there's a reason to laugh...struggles mean there's a reason to survive...